Please Join Us on Christmas

Please Join Us on Christmas

If you would like a family to spend time with on Christmas Day, please join us, your Healing Codes family. On December 25, 2012 from 1 PM to 3 PM US Eastern time (New York), Tom and Mary Ann Costello will be hosting a 2 hour interactive program.  This is the 2nd annual event focusing… Continue reading Please Join Us on Christmas

The Path

If you don’t need God, you are on the wrong Path! If you have not cried out in despair, you chose a path that was way too easy. If you haven’t argued with God, you chose a Path that was too comfortable. If you haven’t cried in relief and gratitude, you stopped too soon. If… Continue reading The Path

Have You Been Judged or Bullied?

Question:  Can you or someone else, formulate a response to the following question.  I’m working on myself, but I’m still having trouble with relationships in the world.  My family is great, but I have been extremely hurt by other people’s bullying and judgements.  Seems I don’t know how to protect myself and stand up for… Continue reading Have You Been Judged or Bullied?

What belief, if healed, would produce the greatest relief for you? – Part 1

Question of the week blog- What belief There were almost 200 responses to our first question of the week: What belief, if healed, would produce the greatest relief for you? Thank you for participating. While there was a lot of variation, there was also a pattern to 3 main themes. These responses were the most… Continue reading What belief, if healed, would produce the greatest relief for you? – Part 1

What If I Can’t…

I’m having trouble accessing any distinct image from the past. I know I have many issues that need healing but only recall snippets in picture form. How do I choose and what if I can’t come up with a strong image from the memory? Thanks so much! Hi, Don’t worry about the past. The past… Continue reading What If I Can’t…