Peace Is the Light On The Dashboard

Peace Is the Light On The Dashboard

Part 2 – The Healing Codes and How to Know the Truth about Decisions

Peace is the light on the dashboard that lets you know how you’re doing or what is the best choice for a particular issue.  Let me go a little bit farther with that.  I think this is all going to come together where it’s very understandable.

We talk about virtues of the heart and they are Forgiveness, Healthy Beliefs, Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness and Humility and on and on.  There are a whole bunch of virtues of the heart.  In my opinion the only virtue of the heart that you cannot manufacture is peace.  I can manufacture some joy or happiness if I really try.  I can manufacture kindness even if I don’t feel like it.  I can manufacture forgiveness to some extent even if that’s not really what I want to do.  You can’t manufacture it completely, but to some extent.

However, peace cannot be manufactured.  It is the state of your body.  The opposite of stress, physically, is peace and the normal, natural functioning of your immune system, and healthy blood flow and normal blood pressure and all that sort of thing.  Non-physically the light on the dashboard is peace which is a feeling of general well being that I believe is part of love.

In study after study after study what’s been found is that everybody wants the same things whether they know it or now, love, joy and peace.  The biggest of those out of the studies that I’ve read tends to be peace.

Everybody wants peace.  So peace is the light on your dashboard that you can apply to any decision in your life to say, “What is the best decision beyond what my head is saying – my logic and reason and that sort of thing – beyond that what do I, in my un- and subconscious, in my heart and I can also see the results of that in my body through my pulse rate (and other things, too, but pulse rate is the easiest one to track).  Which decision do I feel the most peace about?

That’s simply what you do.  I’m thinking about doing this or I’m thinking about doing that.  Think about number one and see where that peace level is for you zero to ten, zero being no peace at all, ten being full, maximum peace.  Sit with it a while.  Give it more than 10 seconds.  Sit with it a while especially if it’s a major decision.  Then think about possible choice number two and do the same thing.  Sit back, relax, think about it, visualize it, think about the statements in words that would best describe what that choice would be.  Then, see where your peace level is.  Does your pulse rate go way up?  Does your pulse rate nicely settle back and maybe even decrease a little bit or stay even?

These are wonderful indicators as to the best decision to make.  Now, do not use this in isolation.  Don’t say, “The thing that makes logical sense to me and everyone else is this thing.  But, because when I think about this my pulse rate goes down, I’m going to do that one.”  No.  You’ve got to use common sense.  Use this as a factor in making your decision.  Remember 99% of all of our knowledge and wisdom is in our heart.  It’s in the un- and subconscious.  Well how do I access that?  One way is by accurate bio-energetic testing so if you know how to do that, you can do that, too.  Another way is by measuring these autonomic systems, the ones that happen automatically that are not logical.  Some of those are my peace level and my pulse rate.

I would encourage you to get “The Pulse Test”.   Also think about that issue and see, “Hey, do I have peace when I think about this or does my peace go away?”  If your peace goes away it doesn’t mean don’t do it, but it is a warning sign.  You either need to heal some junk in your heart that’s making your peace go away when it shouldn’t go away or that may not be the best decision for you.

I have found this to be extremely helpful, extremely accurate, very easy to implement.  I don’t know how many clients I’ve had who have told me that this one thing changed their life by revolutionizing their decision making, by taking it beyond just their reasoning and logic.  Give it a try and see if it doesn’t do that for you as well.