Finding the Gift, Giving Thanks

Finding the Gift, Giving Thanks

Give thanks in all circumstances…

1 Thessalonians 5:18

Canada celebrated Thanksgiving last month, and this week Americans celebrate US Thanksgiving. But of course, no matter where we are in the world, the healing energy of “thankfulness” is worth cultivating year ‘round.

Sometimes, this seems easier said than done, though. It’s easy to feel gratitude for good things in our lives like loved ones, food on the table, comfortable shelter… It’s not as easy to feel gratitude in circumstances that involve loss, hurt, sacrifices or other difficulties.

The Healing Codes can be very helpful when we’re feeling less-than-thankful. We reduce stress and increase clarity when we heal heart issues (like anxiety, fear, distrust, anger) that show up with unwanted circumstances. This then helps us to see… value and opportunity in even the most challenging situations. And when we allow ourselves to find these hidden gifts, a sense of gratitude arises naturally.

This applies to past as well as current circumstances. I worked with a client who found little to be thankful for in memories of a painful, unstable childhood. As he began using the Healing Codes, however, he discovered valuable insight in these earlier experiences. Old, stuck feelings of anger, hurt and bitterness dissolved into gratefulness as he saw how the past could help him be a more loving, effective parent to his own children now.

We’d love to hear your thoughts on giving thanks. And — we take this opportunity to extend our heartfelt gratitude for all of you in the Healing Codes family!

Cynthia Nelson is a Certified Healing Codes Coach. You can connect with her at and by calling 604.738.3303


  1. This is Soo true. I Know I have experienced this in my own life. I believe we all came from a dysfunctional family in some way,so we need to determine to change our circumstances for the better… Vegas Pete

    1. Thank you, Pete! Yes, we all need to make that personal decision to effect change in our lives. Blessings to you.

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