Cellular Memories: Fact or Fiction?

Cellular Memories: Fact or Fiction?

One of my clients told me that what made her consider that The Healing Codes are valid is her experience with her husband, who had a liver transplant. “After his transplant, he told me he had all these strange feelings and even tastes for things he’d never liked before. When I read in The Healing Code about cellular memories, I realized that was what my husband must have experienced from his liver transplant. I had just thought he was crazy!” (An intelligent and fascinating discussion on cellular memory of transplant patients can be found here.)

While the validity of cellular memories is controversial, there seems to be a growing body of evidence from research (these links just go to a search for “Southwestern University Medical School study on cellular memory,” for instance) that they do exist.

Cells can “remember” how to fight a virus so you won’t get reinfected. With the help of interferon alpha and another signaling protein called IL-12, “memory cells” are created that  secrete something called IL:-2 that remains in the body and tells the cells how to fight a virus that it was just exposed to, so you can’t get reinfected by the same virus. Might cells “remember” more than our current scientific approaches can measure?

Science has a long way to go, perhaps, before the exact mechanisms of  “cellular memory” can be understood precisely. Researchers continue to investigate the brain, the link between stress and disease, and memory. The May 2011 Neuroscience Research Conference focused on “The Neuroscience of Stress and Memory” with a keynote by Dr. James McGaugh on “The Formation of Strong Memories” and a fascinating lineup of speakers examining just what stress does to memory.

In the meantime, people keep using The Healing Codes to heal what we believe are “cellular memories”–and they experience all kinds of results. We don’t have to wait for science to explain what we already see happening–though it will be very, very nice when it does.

Diane Eble is a Certified Healing Codes Coach/Practitioner and publishing consultant who worked with Dr. Alex Loyd on The Healing Code.


  1. Dear Diane

    i am ashok age 46 YEAR from india
    i would like to share my experience that i started healing code exercise from last month i started 12 day healing code work and repeat 12 day 2 time but not find any significance change after that i work on joy code mentioned in manual two time 30 minute each i feel radically change in my depression which i suffering from since childhood.this is great healing experience for me i have try many healing modality like homeopathy,bach flower remedy,bio tissue salt ,psychiatric medicine ,yoga,breathing exercise,eft,etc.etc.

    i need further your guidance for same

    Thanks and Regard

    ashok gosar


  2. how do you know if you are doing the code for someone else if it is working.i dont know if i have any early memories but i have a very addictive nature.and afear of almost everything.

    1. Marian,

      If you are doing the Code for someone else and you are in regular contact with the person, you might notice some changes. I do Codes for my children and do notice changes.

      If you are not in regular contact, then it might be more difficult to know. However, in our experience as Coaches, we believe the Codes always are working, whether we perceive changes or not.

      As to your addiction and fears, keep doing the Code for yourself. Your addictions could be a way to cope with the fears, I suggest you start using The Healing Code on your fears. Ask yourself when you first remember feeling afraid. Usually some memory comes up. Work on healing that with The Healing Code. IEven if a memory seems “trivial,” if it comes up, put it in the prayer of intention and get that down to a 0, where you have perfect peace about it. f no memory comes up, work on the fear that’s current for you.

      You might benefit from working with a Coach. Check out the Practitioners page on this site. A Coach can help you find the hidden memories that may be at the source of your fears and addictions.

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