The Greatest Gift From Your Mother

The Greatest Gift From Your Mother

It is no secret that without our mothers we wouldn’t be here right now. Beyond providing a place in their bodies for our lives to develop, mothers have the ability to influence us in so many ways.

I asked this question,

“What is the one greatest gift you received from your mother that makes you the person you are today?”

Your responses were deeply touching. I originally intended to summarize responses to Questions of the Week.  To do that to these responses would have deprived you of the beauty of human emotions and expressions. That would have been really unfair because the question was meant to have people reach inside and bring out their feelings and share them with all of us.

We all have choices of what we want to focus on. As I matured in my thinking over the years, my parents improved tremendously after they died.  As I increased my awareness of the lives they experienced, my compassion for them skyrocketed. I now realize that the parts they played in my comedic-tragi-drama were much more difficult than the parts I played. I found opportunities for self-forgiveness in that realization.

May these responses touch your heart too.


To read the MANY responses, click here to open the .pdf.  It will open in the free Adobe Acrobat Reader which should already be on your computer.  If you don’t have this reader, you can get it here and it’s free.

1 comment

  1. I really enjoyed reading alot of the other comments, reading them made me realize I had alot more to thank my mother for. Thank You!!

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