Emotional Trauma
“Our family, and most significantly our son Bryant, went through a devastating trauma in which he was falsely accused at 12 years old of a horrible crime. This incident was thrown in the court system and Bryant went through incredible abuse for the next 18 months which affected the whole family. His sister, Abby, has found herself in an anorexic state and is getting help for that now. I had noticed Bryant losing weight over several months and seeming to have little motivation for anything. On a Wednesday, I became so alarmed about him I called the out-patient clinic where Abby was getting help, and they suggested our whole family join the family group therapy session, and then have a private family session the following Tuesday. This put Bryant in a state of anxiety, I’m sure because the last 7-8 years Bryant had not discussed his trauma with anyone openly, he had just stuffed it all down…I think somehow he knew he would be talking about his pain, and also seeing his sister was hard on him as well.
“The Healing Codes arrived on Friday, and I started doing them for Bryant on Saturday afternoon, meaning I did the forgiveness exercises on myself, but in my mind’s eye I was doing them on Bryant, as well as repeating the prayer and inserting Bryant’s name. Several hours later, around 11:00 p.m., Bryant came downstairs and sat next to me at our kitchen table. He began to talk from his heart about his trauma and cry. It seemed his mind was having a hard time focusing, but he was definitely feeling and talking. We talked till 1:00 in the morning. I continued doing the Quick Start method, and over the weekend it seemed he was opening up more and more, little by little, allowing himself to talk and cry. Tuesday evening at the group session, the therapist asked Bryant a question, and all Bryant could do was weep. It was heart wrenching, but somehow it felt okay. The next day at our session Bryant opened up and told how he felt during his trauma. I’m recording what I remember Bryant said in those sessions so that when I finish the 12 Days and begin again, I’ll incorporate the memory finder.
“Since I’ve been doing The Healing Codes and since sessions with the therapist, Bryant has found his voice. It’s strong, clear, and he’s letting himself love and be loved. He’ll talk about important people in his life and start to cry; he’ll hug them if he’s around them and is showing his emotions like he hasn’t for the last 8 years. He’s terrified of being anorexic, so he’s eating, even if he doesn’t feel like it. I’m hoping his blocks to including nutritional supplements will disappear. I know they are due to our being on so many health kicks in Bryant’s lifetime. As for Abby, I started doing The Healing Codes for her this morning, as I do for Bryant. Thank you again.”
~~ Theresa