Signpost of Healing: Deeper Spiritual Connection

Signpost of Healing: Deeper Spiritual Connection

One of the most unexpected and profound benefits I experienced with the Healing Codes was a deepening of my relationship with God. It seemed that once the noise of lies and unhealthy beliefs about myself and God began healing, I could hear truth. This healthier, more fulfilling spiritual connection then further enhanced my healing work with the codes.

It’s not that I needed the Healing Codes to facilitate this sacred relationship. I believe that God is always and ever available to us — we only need to be open to receiving the gift. However, in my experience, we can disconnect from Source when diverted by past regrets, present worries, future anxieties…

When we start releasing stress with our Healing Codes work, our mind quiets and body relaxes… This helps us to realign ourselves to the true Source of all healing, love, transformation.

The experience of that deep, healing connection to Spirit is, of course, very personal and unique to each person. But here are some examples… of what I, and some of my clients, noticed:

–  the mind calms, the inner voice of truth is more easily heard

–  the peace of being Present, rather than being pulled into worries about the past or future

–  an increased awareness of how our beliefs, thoughts, actions impact our reality

–  breakthroughs in healing of issues that seemed to be “stuck”

–  forgiveness of self and God (I believe rejection of self and rejection of God are essentially the same thing)

–  healing of unhealthy images about God we may have downloaded from others — for example, images of an uncaring, punitive, unjust, scary, “mean” God

–  a return to the deeper knowing that God always sees us, always loves us

–  an enhanced ability to love others in their imperfections, just as God loves us in ours

–  a deeper sense of Trust — knowing that no matter what external circumstances bring, everything will be all right

–  a deeper joy and peace that has nothing to do with what’s happening around us, but comes when we are in Wholeness, that is, aligned in body-mind-spirit.

Many of you likely have your own experiences you could add to this list — feel free to share your comments and observations!

Cynthia Nelson is a Certified Healing Codes Coach. For more articles and information about her, visit


  1. Hello, I have been struggling with quite a bit of stress for quite awhile. I got away from the Healing Codes, and want to get back with it. I would like for my faith to grow a lot!!

    I have just been diagnosed with stage 3 kidney disease. The doctors says it has nothing to do with stress, and after reading The Healing Code….I know that it does have to do with stress!!

    Any information you could give me would be surely appreciated.

    Thank you.


    1. Hi Jannis, thank you for your comment. That’s wonderful you are resuming the Healing Codes, as it will absolutely help to reduce the stress you have been struggling with. Since you are just getting back to the Healing Codes, I suggest you begin with the 12 days. After that, you can consider which categories you feel most drawn to working on first. The free Heart Issues Finder (link on the home page of site) can be very helpful in guiding your focus. If you haven’t taken this diagnosis yet, or if it has been a while, I encourage you to use this tool which provides information on underlying issues that cause illness and disease.
      Another option, if you wish one-on-one support with your specific issues, is to consider working with a Healing Codes Practitioner — you’ll find the list under the Practitioners tab.
      I hope this helps. Blessings to you in your healing work.

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