Dealing With Grief

Dealing With Grief

The Healing Codes help us deal with the stress surrounding grief.  They will Deal with Griefease the journey.  Read this comforting account about Dealing with Grief.

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Matthew 5:4

Zig Ziglar says, ‘The longest 24 hours of my life were those right after my daughter’s death. When making her funeral arrangements I had to listen to a salesman who was an incessant talker, and who told me thirty times that he was not a salesman. Twice I had to leave the room; I simply could not handle him. ‘The night before, half asleep and half awake, I kept thinking my daughter was wondering when her daddy was coming to get her. The next morning I took a walk, praying and crying the whole way. When I returned the Lord spoke to me in such a distinct way: ‘She’s fine. She’s with me, and you are going to be fine too. I’m all you need. Keep walking. Keep talking. Keep praying. Keep crying.’ Jesus said, ‘Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.’ Grieving lets you accept your emotions as they arise, to express your pain and move beyond it. Recovery does not happen overnight; it happens in proportion to the significance of your loss. Only small losses are grieved and healed quickly.

But while grief and loss are experiences that cannot be solved, they are experiences you do not have to go through alone. Listen: ‘Do not be afraid…I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown! When you walk through the fire…the flames will not consume you. For…you are precious to me. . .I love you’ (Isaiah 43:1-4). The sun will shine again. Your joy will return.

Used with permission and written by Tim Hetzner.


  1. 4 years after my husband died, I found the healing codes. While I survived, I wish I had known about The Codes then. Maybe I would have felt better much sooner. In fact, maybe the reason I’m finally feeling better, having more energy and feeling real happiness now is because of the Healing Codes. Thank you.

    1. Thank you for sharing Virginia and am very happy you are feeling real happiness now!

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