I came to Healing Codes looking for a sound healing modality for my father to heal cancer. My father was diagnosed with 4th cancer, and the last 2 cancers were aggressive occuring within a year. He went through numerous traditional treatments which were necessary to save his life but not without side effects. The treatments were addressing symptoms and not the cause extending time to find real solution. It was clear to me that the root cause was on spiritual or consciousness level and not in the physical body. My father and I started with Universal Code and shortly after we continued with combination of individual and group Custom Codes with a wonderful coach JoHanna Chan. My father and I have been doing the Codes diligently, 3 times a day. After 5 months of doing the Codes he got the results of his tests showing no cancer on the physical level. It’s a major victory giving him and others hope miracles are possible. We just need to believe in miracles.
Healing Codes change us at the level of consciousness waking us up from years of unconsciousness. Once experienced we remember who we are. We may need assistance at times but only we can heal ourselves. No one will do it for us. Therefore, Healing Codes are the best self help tool to accomplish this goal.
I’d like to express gratitude to JoHanna for being a channel of Divine Love and assisting my father and myself in the Healing Codes journey. Just being in JoHanna’s presence is a powerful healing. Special thanks to Dr. Alex Loyd for discovering Healing Codes, easy to use and most profound healing modality. I really appreciate asisstance Tom Costello provided me at the very beginning when I had numerous questions. I highly recommend Cutting Edge and Q&A calls to folks to keep that momentum going. Thank You and God Bless the entire Healing Codes Family