Major Challenge
I’ve had the Codes for 5 months now. When I got them I was in pretty bad shape. Very quickly my energy came back, and I think the major challenge I had is over. Thank you. I applaud you guys. It was like a rocket ship taking off. I was looking like a scarecrow, a skeleton. I had lost 40 pounds and now I’ve put it back on. My condition started to change immediately. It was just phenomenal. I had a great coach. She was wonderful. I’m really happy with your system This energy healing and The Healing Codes – an interesting concept. Once you’re in it you become something of a zealot. I am absolutely hooked, I’ve got to tell you. I feel great. I’m doing the Codes. There is a feeling of peace, joy and happiness. I’m getting up in the morning and I’m smiling. I’m laughing. I feel great. I want to just share this with everybody. ~~ Robert