Ears, Anxiety
“First I would like to praise God for giving you the Healing Codes and Bless you for listening and taking action. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I ordered the Healing Codes and dove right in. When I had my first session with my coach, I told her that I had this problem with my ears, which were very itchy and scaly. After the phone conversation I had to get ready and go to work, so didn’t have a chance to do the custom exercise. Meanwhile my ears were driving me crazy with there itching. On my lunch break, I did the exercises and the itching went away and has not itched since. Praise the Lord.
“Before my second session I received an email from my Mother, 84, that she was having anxiety, where she dreaded leaving the house. Once she got out the door and got going she was usually ok, but she had a real tough time leaving. I knew she had an appointment in downtown San Francisco and that the weather was going to be rainy so, I called her and had gotten some pictures from her when my coach called for our session. I told my Mother I was going to treat for her, and my coach agreed that I could use the coaching call for my Mother. We went through the steps and found which picture to treat for. After the call I did the treatment and passed it on to my mother in Love as recommended. I hadn’t got it down to a zero yet so later on I treated again getting it to zero and again passed it on to her in Love. The next evening I received an email from her saying my treatment had worked, as she didn’t have any anxiety even though it was rainy and dark enough to use headlights when she went into town for her appointment. I called her and could immediately tell by her voice she was a lot better and more cheerful. She said that not only did the treatment work but she felt better. Again thank you for providing the Healing Codes to the world and for your support.”
~~ John