Translate The Healing Codes into Your Language

Translate The Healing Codes into Your Language

There is a new feature on this site – you can now translate text into your own language.  This is a new WordPress plugin based on Google translate.  Will it be grammatically perfect in every language.  NO!  But it will be pretty good.

If you speak a language other than English, please try the translate feature and leave a comment on your experience.

You will find the translate function at the top of the right side of the page – and on the home page it will be on the right just above the picture of The Healing Code.



  1. C’est super! Je parle et comprends l’anglais, mais ce n’est pas ma langue maternelle et c’est tellement mieux pour comprendre réellement et non seulement interpréter.


    1. So happy that you can more easily read this. I can read a LITTLE bit of French but must take time to translate each word so it isn’t easy.

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