

Skin Lesion, Back Pain, Excess Mucus, Confidence, Weight Loss

“I started The Healing Codes on Aug. 19th, working on a skin lesion on my temple.

Sept 6th – Had a flashback to a time when I felt unappreciated. I thought I had cleared this more than 10 yrs ago. I kinda re-lived that same feeling for a couple of days (but didn’t make a connection to The Healing Codes).
“Lesion improving. (no longer ‘weeping’)

“Sept 8th – I’ve had lower back discomfort for 3-4 days . . . drank fresh veggie juice this morning and had copper colored pee (detoxing) this evening. I drink veggie juice often and it hasn’t turned my pee red for a long time.
“(Back pain started going away at this point)

“Sept 9th – AHA! Made the connection to feeling unappreciated with The Healing Codes and found the earliest time I felt unappreciated.
“(Returned to my normal positive/upbeat self.)

“Sept 12th – Started working with my THC coach. She helped me pick ‘excess mucus’ as the new area to work on.
“(my holistic chiropractor had told me this was a problem)

“Sept 24th – THC coach helped me target some major conflict in my thinking and gave me a new Code.

“Sept 27th – I woke up this morning and the conflict was gone. I’ve worked on this and on ‘confidence in my abilities’ for 15 years with Hypnotherapy, NLP and Time-line Therapy (I have master certification in each). Some progress was made, but when I woke up this morning I ‘knew’ it was gone and I felt a new sense of confidence.
“I continued doing the Code sometimes for 45-60 min at a time with no major changes until all food cravings disappeared about Oct. 13th.

“Oct. 17th – attended a week long conference sponsored by my church. Each year we put together an impromptu Choir. This year for the first time there was no lead soprano. All 6 of us were used to following. I surprised myself by moving to the center of the section and becoming the leader of the group. There was no nervousness. I felt totally comfortable and confident.
“I also sang a solo for the talent show and was totally at ease.
“Just over a year ago I did a ‘Tapping’ technique to eliminate my phobia that someone would hear me sing. It helped a lot and the benefits stayed, but at last year’s talent show I still had to deal with ‘dry mouth’ when I did my solo.
“I’ve lost 10 lbs. since starting the Healing Codes . . . only 90 more to go.
“We are now working to shrink away a large lump on my husband’s upper arm. It has shrunk a little.
“My lesion is greatly improved but not completely gone yet.

“Oct. 20th – About a week ago all food cravings TOTALLY disappeared!!! At first I thought it was a result of being careful about my diet . . . no food additives, all organic, etc. for the last yr . . . then I realized that for the first time in my WHOLE LIFE the cravings are GONE! I remember specific instances at age 5 or 6 not wanting to stop eating as long as there was food in front of me. . . and knowing I wasn’t hungry (because my mom pointed that out).

“This is SO Exciting! ! ! ! !

“I’ve continued doing the last Custom Code my coach gave me along with the standard Joy Code for skin. Thank you so much for your help.”
~~ Charlotte L.