Miraculous Healing Codes

Miraculous Healing Codes

Dear Dr. Loyd,

Thank you for being on this earth and sharing your miraculous healing codes.    On Oct. 19 in desperation I called Cindy crying my eyes out in pain and she immediately sent me the Healing Codes manual.  I started reading the material and devoured it within hours.  I began practicing the healing codes after reading everything the same day and  I voice the same experience as your testimonials.  They are a miracle.  I am healing deeply on every level and have just completed three rounds 36 days. I also bought the Master Key on Oct. 23. I work with both  simultaneously.

I am the mother of four adult children, an identical twin born prematurely and who… had a mother who had MS until she died when I was 22.  Most of my childhood I was hyper sensitive and when I married I began a spiritual journey doing intense programs over a period of 35 years. I mentored and studied with spiritual teachers all over the world.   Nothing I did completely healed my tendencies toward depression and anxiety until the healing codes.  I have a Masters in Psychology, Music Education and have done 101 trainings and certifications.  When my last child left home I moved to the Bahamas five years ago to teach music.  I have retrained in part and am a Massage Therapist, Thai Yoga Massage Therapist, Theta Healer Practitioner, Yoga/dance Therapist, EFT Practitioner and much more.  I have a company in the Bahamas and in Nova Scotia as I spend about 8 month in Nassau and 4 months in Canada.

Nothing I have done in holistic health compares to the healing codes. It is so simple and so profound.    I have received your information about the LT3.  My healing has been so rapid in just over a month that my pain is gone.  During the first two weeks I intensified the time I spent on the codes.  Hours a day…..and painful memories surfaced in my mind that were like putting in a DVD.  I soon learned not to judge them but just watch as the codes broke into my subconscious mind which I envisioned as concrete and rose to the surface to vanish.

The healing codes are indeed a miracle and you are to be commended for supporting your wife which many husbands would not do and praying for healing.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.


Pauline E.


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