Ben Johnson’s reply on Lou Gehrig’s

Ben Johnson’s reply on Lou Gehrig’s

“The truth of the matter is that we seldom run across a truly new therapy, especially one that can potentially change the landscape of medicine as we know it.  When this coincides with our own personal point of need it can be a truly phenomenal event.  I didn’t know it at the time I was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s Disease (ALS), but the new therapy I was searching for is “The Healing Codes,” developed by Dr. Alex Loyd, who I am pleased today to call my friend and partner.

“After only three months of practicing The Healing Codes, I returned to the surgeon who first diagnosed me.  He ran the EMG test for Lou Gehrig’s and found it to be 100% gone.  I have been symptom-free since March 2004.  For those of you who don’t know – there is no cure for Lou Gehrig’s disease.

“After personally experiencing the results of The Healing Codes techniques, I elected to learn the work in its entirety. I also trained the staff in my cancer clinic in Atlanta, so that my patients could have the benefits of this great work, as well.  Based on the results, I now know that I have found the healing method I was searching for.  I know of nothing else that addresses and heals emotional and physical issues so effectively and completely.”

~~  Ben Johnson, M.D., D.O., N.M.D.